Student Council
Students who are passionate about representing and supporting the school and student community may join. Students must obtain a teacher recommendation to be a member of the council and demonstrate their commitment to the council through active participation and volunteering for initiatives, including those listed below.
Art auction: Students will auction off their artwork to raise funds for specialized field trips and events. In the words of our students, the “funds go to fun!”
Mentorship Program: Each Upper School student who participates in this program is paired with a student in the Lower School whom they mentor or engage with in a shared area of strength or interest.
Off-campus lunch: Participating students who have parent permission and are in good academic standing travel to designated restaurants near our campus on a weekly basis. The council polls the student body to determine restaurant options.
Model United Nations
Upper School students at Quad Prep have been part of the GCI LAU International Model UN conference since the 2017-18 school year. Students spend months researching and finding solutions to issues such as equal access for youth to attain technical, vocational, and tertiary education, combating maritime crime, and finding a balance between economic growth and resource efficiency. Upper School students will combat issues from lethal autonomous weapon systems, and new technologies to fight malnutrition, to achieving worldwide e-governance.